
A starter boilerplate based on the ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS) methodology.
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ITSCSS is a mobile-first, responsive, battle-tested SCSS framework based on the ITCSS methodology utilizing the BEM methodology.
This boilerplate is intented to be used as a starting point in your application. You should use this as a foundation for your CSS and build on top of it.
If you want to use the full capabilities of this boilerplate such as variables, mixins, etc., then you should include it in your SCSS files.
You can also use the plain CSS version which lacks mixins and other useful tools.
# Via NPM
npm i itscss
# Via Yarn
yarn add itscss
If you are using a module bundler (such as Webpack, Parcel, Browserify):
# In your SCSS entrypoint
@import 'itscss';
# Or if the above does not resolve, try
@import 'itscss/index.scss';
There are several predefined variables which you can overwrite:
/* Color Variables */
$color-base: #333;
$color-white: #fff;
$color-black: #000;
$color-action: #ef4c23;
/* Text Variables */
$font-sans-serif: sans-serif;
$font-serif: serif;
$font-monospace: monospace;
$font-size-base: 1rem;
$line-height-base: 1.35;
$font-size-h1: 2rem;
$font-size-h2: 1.75rem;
$font-size-h3: 1.5rem;
$font-size-h4: 1.25rem;
$font-size-h5: $font-size-base;
$font-size-h6: 0.75rem;
/* Transition Variables */
$timing: 0.4s;
$easing: ease-in-out;
/* Spacing between grid items */
$gap: 0.5rem;
/* Number of columns in the grid */
$columns: 12;
/* The maximum width of the shell container */
$shell-width: 75rem;
/* The left and right padding of the shell container */
$shell-gap: 1rem;
/* Responsive breakpoints */
$small-desktop: 1439px;
$tablet-landscape: 1279px;
$tablet-portrait: 1023px;
$mobile: 767px;
A map of breakpoints used to create
the grid columns rules and
the responsive utility classnames
$breakpoints: (
xs: (
min: 0,
max: $mobile
sm: (
min: $mobile + 1,
max: $tablet-portrait
md: (
min: $tablet-portrait + 1,
max: $tablet-landscape
lg: (
min: $tablet-landscape + 1,
max: $small-desktop
xl: (
min: $small-desktop + 1
/* A list of display properties */
$displays: 'block', 'inline', 'inline-block', 'flex', 'inline-flex';
/* A list of text alignment properties */
$alignments: 'center', 'right', 'left', 'justify';
A map of elements used to define z-index property.
See Functions section below for more details.
$z-indexes: (
header: (),
main: (
alert: (),
content: (
aside: ()
footer: (),
modal: ()
You should place the overwriting variables before the @import
Supported browsers
The combined and built version of this boilerplate has been tested and works in all evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari, Brave, Vivaldi, iOS Safari, Chrome on Android, Samsung Internet) and IE 10+.
Available files, selectors, variables and their usage
- contains variables for all colors_text.scss
- contains variables for all font settings_transitions.scss
- contains variables for transition duration and timing function_variables.scss
- contains variables for all other variables/settings
- a mixin for a directional arrow iconUsage:
/* prettier-ignore */ @include chevron( 2rem, /* width and height */ 0 0 1px 1px, /* border width */ $color-black, /* border color */ -5px 0 0 0.5em, /* margin */ -135deg /* rotation */ );
- a set of mixins for flexboxContains several mixins:
/* General purpose flex container */ /* prettier-ignore */ @include flex( center /* align-items */, flex-end /* justify-content */, wrap /* flex-wrap */, row /* flex-direction */, flex /* display */ ); /* Flex container with flex-direction set to "row" */ /* prettier-ignore */ @include flex-row( no-wrap /* wrap */, center /* align-items */, flex-end /* justify-content */ ); /* Flex container with flex-direction set to "column" */ /* prettier-ignore */ @include flex-column( no-wrap /* wrap */ center /* align-items */ flex-end /* justify-content */ ); /* Inline-flex container with flex-direction set to "row" */ /* prettier-ignore */ @include inline-flex-row( no-wrap /* wrap */, center /* align-items */, flex-end /* justify-content */ ); /* Inline-flex container with flex-direction set to "column" */ /* prettier-ignore */ @include inline-flex-column( no-wrap /* wrap */ center /* align-items */ flex-end /* justify-content */ ); /* Inline-flex container with flex-direction set to "row" */ /* prettier-ignore */ @include inline-flex-row( no-wrap /* wrap */, center /* align-items */, flex-end /* justify-content */ ); /* Inline-flex container with flex-direction set to "column" */ /* prettier-ignore */ @include inline-flex-column( no-wrap /* wrap */ center /* align-items */ flex-end /* justify-content */ ); /* Grid rules based on the $columns and $breakpoints variables */ @include grid;
- a collection of SCSS functionsContains the following functions:
// Uses the $z-indexes variable from above. // Defines z-index based on the index of given key sequence: // .header { // z-index: z(header); // } // // .main { // z-index: z(main); // } // // .alert { // z-index: z(main, alert, high); // } // // .content__title { // z-index: z(main, content, title); // } @function z($keys);
- mixins for all supported media queriesCustom media queries:
/* (max-width: 1439px) */ @media (small-desktop) { } /* (min-width: 1279px) */ @media (desktop-only) { } /* (max-width: 1279px) */ @media (tablet-landscape) { } /* (min-width: 1023px) and (max-width: 1279px) */ @media (tablet-landscape-only) { } /* (max-width: 1023px) */ @media (tablet-portrait) { } /* (min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1023px) */ @media (tablet-portrait-only) { } /* (max-width: 767px) */ @media (mobile) { } /* (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) */ @media (reduced-motion) { } /* hover support */ @media (hover) { } ;
- all other mixinsAvailable mixins:
/* absolutely positions an element with known dimensions in the center of their relative parent element */ @include centered; /* change the display property of an element with the given $value */ @include display($value);
- default styles for form elements_reset.scss
- additional browser reset and normalize (normalize.css is also included)_transitions.scss
- default transitions for focusable/active elements
- default styles for thebody
- default styles for all h* (h1 - h6) tags_links.scss
- default styles for anchors_texts.scss
- default styles for text elements
- a grid systemAvailable selectors are:
/* defines a grid container */ .o-grid { } /* defines a grid item */ .o-grid__item { } /** depending on the $breakpoints and $columns variables the following selectors will vary. 1 means 1/12 of the available width. 12 means all of the available width. Here are the defaults */ /* From 0 to 767px */ .xs-1 to .xs-12 /* From 768px to 1023px */ .sm-1 to .sm-12 /* From 1024px to 1279px */ .md-1 to .md-12 /* From 1280px to 1439px */ .lg-1 to .lg-12 /* From 1440px above */ .xl-1 to .xl-12;
- styles for themain
elementAvailable selectors are:
/* defines the main content. used with <main> element */ .o-main { }
- styles for the site containerAvailable selectors are:
/* defines the site container */ .o-shell { } /* defines the site container as flex container */ .o-shell--flex { } /* makes the site container take the whole browser width */ .o-shell--fluid { }
- styles for the site wrapperAvailable selectors are:
/* defines the parent container of all other elements. usually the only child of the <body> element */ .o-wrapper { }
- default styles for the buttonsAvailable selectors are:
/* default styles for a button */ .c-btn { } /* makes the button fill its parent's width */ .c-btn--block { }
- default styles for lists. A list is an element with a classname which starts withc-list
- alignment class utilitiesAvailable selectors are:
/* align to the left */ .alignleft { } /* align to the right */ .alignright { } /* clear the alignment */ .alignnone { } /* clear the alignment and center horizontally */ .aligncenter { }
- utilites to clear after floatsAvailable selectors are:
/* clear both */ .clear { } /* clear right */ .clear-right { } /* clear left */ .clear-left { }
- helper for background imageAvailable selectors are:
/* makes the element's background image take the whole size of the element using "background-size: cover" */ .fullsize-background { }
- helper class/attribute for hidden elementsAvailable selectors are:
.hidden, [hidden] { }
- contains user preferences settings such asreduced-motion
preferences. -
- helpers for showing/hiding elements on different resolutions. For resolutions reference please check the media queries section. These utility classnames are based on the$breakpoints
and the$displays
variables.Available selectors are:
.visible-xs-block { } .visible-xs-inline { } .visible-xs-inline-block { } .visible-xs-flex { } .visible-xs-inline-flex { } .visible-sm-block { } .visible-sm-inline { } .visible-sm-inline-block { } .visible-sm-flex { } .visible-sm-inline-flex { } .visible-md-block { } .visible-md-inline { } .visible-md-inline-block { } .visible-md-flex { } .visible-md-inline-flex { } .visible-lg-block { } .visible-lg-inline { } .visible-lg-inline-block { } .visible-lg-flex { } .visible-lg-inline-flex { } .visible-xl-block { } .visible-xl-inline { } .visible-xl-inline-block { } .visible-xl-flex { } .visible-xl-inline-flex { } .hidden-xs { } .hidden-sm { } .hidden-md { } .hidden-lg { } .hidden-xl { }
- text alignment utilities. These utilites classnames are based on the$alignments
variableAvailable selectors are:
/* align text to the left */ .text-left { } /* align text to the center */ .text-center { } /* align text to the right */ .text-right { } /* align text to the right */ .text-justify { }